Donna Y Ford, PhD
Professor, Author, Advocate, Consultant...
has written over 300 articles and book chapters, made over 2,000 presentations at professional conferences, organizations, in school districts, communities, and with families and students!

One pervasive educational issue is the national underrepresentation of Black and Hispanic students in gifted education. Virtually every school district is grappling with having too few students from these groups identified as gifted and served in gifted classes and programs. The book addresses this long-standing national problem through the dual lens of recruitment and retention. The focus is on how to equitably recruit (screen, assess, place, serve) and retain (support) students!
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Two thorny issues that exist in education are the underrepresentation of Black students in these classes and the persistent underachievement of Black students even when identified as gifted. In this edition, both issues are addressed, with updated information on key social, familial, educational, and psychological factors that contribute to underachievement, underrepresentation -- and the achievement gap.

Each year, the United States witnesses significant changes in the demographics of its citizens. Accordingly, schools—and the students we teach—are also changing. With such changes come the need, responsibility, and obligation for educators to provide students with an education that is both rigorous and culturally responsive. This book bridges the gap that exists between educating advanced learners and educating culturally different learners.

African-American students who are gifted or advanced learners are too often overlooked and misunderstood in education. Part of the problem associated with this neglect is that relatively little scholarship exists on those who are culturally different and in need of more challenge in school settings. This body of work was developed to help resolve this shortcoming and to inform and guide educators in their work. This is the first work of its kind.

This text focuses on the special needs of culturally and racially diverse learners with exceptionalities. The culturally and linguistically diverse learner is profiled in terms of disproportionate positions within our society and schools. A case is made for why intense attention is needed for this population, the points of greatest need for this population and why certain types of instruction are more appropriate for those students with the most significant educational needs.

Focusing specifically on gifted education from a multicultural perspective, this work provides a practical resource for raising the expectations and level of instruction for minority students. The authors offer case studies of multicultural gifted education in practice, suggest methods for "best practice" for classroom teachers, supply sample multicultural activities, and provide guidelines and a checklist to help the reader evaluate his or her school's multicultural education program.

The paradoxical reality that gifted students can and do underachieve seems impossible to many educators and families. Thus, such students, especially gifted Black students who underachieve, are misunderstood and poorly served, This book was written specifically for this population so that they are recruited and retained in gifted education. My major premise: A mind is a terrible thing to waste (United Negro College Fund) and erase (Ford).

Professor, Consultant, Author, Advocate
Professor, Consultant, Author, Advocate
© 2013 Donna Y. Ford, PhD