Books on Multicultural and Gifted Education

Reversing Underachievement Among Gifted Black Students (2nd ed.)
Two thorny issues that continue to exist in education are the underrepresentation of Black students in these classes and the persistent underachievement of Black students even when identified as gifted. In this edition, these two issues are addressed, with updated information on key social, familial, educational, and psychological factors that contribute to underachievement and underrepresentation. Underachievement and underrepresentation are placed squarely within the larger context of the achievement gap and deficit thinking. A central proposition is that we cannot close the achievement gap unless we eliminate deficit thinking and desegregate gifted education and AP classes. Reversing Underachievement is a must-have text that affords readers a comprehensive understanding of how schools, families, and the social, cultural, and psychological matrix all interact to affect both achievement and underachievement.
Black Boys are Lit
This book of matrices with Black boys as the main character is designed to help gifted and talented education teachers leverage Black boys’ identities to inform and shape how they plan and deliver curriculum and instruction and manage the multicultural, democratic, and culturally responsive classroom. Ford and colleagues (2005) spoke to the notion of and need for ‘self-reflective instruction.’ We argue that all teachers must want to and learn how to legitimize the “everyday” experiences that are learned and cultivated in the homes and communities of Black boys, and how these experiences shape their self-identities and contribute to agency (Wright, Counsell, & Tate 2015). We, therefore, advocate for the rethinking of literacies by repositioning White-centered texts that often reflect and represent power and privilege toward centering the brilliance of Black identities of Black children in general, Black boys in particular. Black boys (of all ages) want to and need to physically see positive images of themselves in books reflected at them. This representation, we argue, has the potential to become an example of a compelling counter-narrative to the history of the “all-White world” (Larrick, 1965) of children’s books that only presented Black characters as “objects of ridicule and generally inferior beings” (Sims Bishop 2012, p. 6). When Black boys see themselves portrayed visually, textually, and realistically in children’s books, vital messages of recognition, value, affirmation, and validation are conveyed. Recognition of the sociocultural contexts in which they live is celebrated. Books for and about Black boys must be rigorous, authentic, multicultural, and developmentally appropriate to allow them to synthesize what they have read, heard, and seen during literacy instruction in authentic and meaningful ways. Multicultural books must introduce children to information about the values of justice, fairness, and equity. Developmentally appropriate books should vary with and adapt to the age, experience, and interests of gifted and talented Black boys to allow them the opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking, textual analysis skills and convey conceptual knowledge. These stories must expose Black boys to culturally relevant counter stories -- stories that counteract the dominant discourse that has primarily depicted Black boys as “at risk” versus placed at risk; “without hope” versus hopeful; or “out of control and dangerous” (Tatum, 2005, p. 28) versus developing self-control like all other children (Wright et al., 2018)
Multicultural Gifted Education (2nd ed.)
Each year, the United States witnesses significant changes in the demographics of its citizens. Accordingly, schools—and the students we teach—are also changing. With such changes come the need, responsibility, and obligation for educators to provide students with an education that is both rigorous and culturally responsive. This book bridges the gap that exists between educating advanced learners and educating culturally different learners. Multicultural Gifted Education, 2nd ed. addresses various topics, including racially and culturally diverse students and families, historical and legal perspectives on educating gifted and minority students, culturally responsive curriculum and assessment, and counseling students from a multicultural perspective.

Diverse Exceptional Learners with Exceptionalities
This text focuses on the special needs of culturally and racially diverse learners with exceptionalities. The culturally and linguistically diverse learner is profiled in terms of disproportionate positions within our society and schools. A case is made for why intense attention is needed for this population, the points of greatest need for this population and why certain types of instruction are more appropriate for those students with the most significant educational needs. The text discusses the nature of culture and cultural/linguistic diversity in the United States, the exceptional learner-those with both disabilities and gifts, assessment/testing issues, family issues, ways to prevent academic and social problems through early intervention, and methods for teaching both social and academic behaviors. Additionally, the text provides community and study skill content that are especially important for CLDE learners.

Gifted and Advanced Black Students in School: An Anthology of Critical Works
African-American students who are gifted or advanced learners are too often overlooked and misunderstood in education. Part of the problem associated with this neglect is that relatively little scholarship exists on those who are culturally different and in need of more challenge in school settings. This body of work was developed to help resolve this shortcoming and to inform and guide educators in their work. In the first work of its kind, the book's editors have compiled reprints of what they believe to be among the best or most promising work, past and present, in understanding, meeting the needs of, and working with Black gifted and/or advanced learners. Theory, research, models, and strategies shed light on what we all must do to ensure that both gifted and advanced Black learners excel in school and otherwise reach their potential.

Professor, Consultant, Author, Advocate
Professor, Consultant, Author, Advocate
© 2013 Donna Y. Ford, PhD